
Saturday, February 18, 2012

My top picks post Hollywood & Las Vegas Week of American Idol Season 11

1. Heejun Han (mainly because of his funny personality).
2. Scott Dangerfield (really love his vocal since last year's audition).
3. Erika Van Pelt (strong vocal,I can hear a bit of Melinda Doolittle in her voice).
4. Jen Hirsh (beautiful voice).
5. Elise Testone (got huge bump because of her Las Vegas group performance).
6. Colton Dixon (really loved him last year but sometimes his vocal can be shaky and I can't stand evangelical Christian).
7. Hallie Day (unique voice,always stands out everytime they showed her singing).
8. Reed Grimm (pretty good jazzy voice but his personality could be a turn off big time).
9. Hollie Cavanagh (based on last year's performances).
10. Baylie Brown (beautiful voice but her personality seems a bit cold to me).
11. Eben Franckewitz (very likable,I'm beginning to like this kid. Also very level headed kid).
12. Jessica Sanchez (great Las Vegas performance. Let's see if her hype turns out to be right).
13. Cortez Shaw (based on his unique audition and likable personality).

Lots of contestants this season that I can see myself hating them because either their personality annoys me or their voice is unbearable or some other reasons. Example: Adam Brock,Phillips Phillips,Richie Law. Personality is a big factor for me,every Idol alumni that I supported every years all have amazing personality as a person despite their vocal capability etc.

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